Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Ultimate Blogger Challenge- Day 2:

Today for the challenge, I was asked to write about a person or trait I admire. There are plenty of people I look up to: my parents, people I've worked with, and many of my sorority sisters and peers that I'm surrounded by every day. The people I admire most are usually unique, outgoing, humorous, and selfless; but the one most encompassing trait tends to be confidence. There is no limit to what a confident person can do, whether it be wearing something bold, making a speech in front of hundreds of people, approaching the cute boy across the room, or nailing the interview. Confidence is an unconditional trust and belief in oneself and with that, nothing can stop you. My own confidence is like a delicate bubble; I have it one minute, but the second I start comparing myself to others it *pops* and I turn into sheepish Sally. There is one explanation for this: jealousy. It is the one thing that can keep us from being confident in ourselves, no matter how truly great we are. My goal is to stop comparing myself to everyone else and realize that who I am has nothing to do with them. I'll leave you with a piece of advice my dad always told me, "if you don't love yourself, why would anyone else?"

-LFH :)

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